Is your marimba, your xylophone, your vibraphone or your Orff instruments out of tune?
No problem, B-Sharp Percussion offers you the possibility of having your bar instruments perfectly tuned in all their register.
There are no problems with the model or the antiquity of the instruments. Neither with the material from which it is made.
The tuning is carried out within controlled temperature conditions, making sure that the tuning is stable for the desired temperature.
What can I solve with a change in the tuning?
- Equalize the overall tuning of the instrument.
- Retune at different heights. For instance, from A=440 to A=442 and vice versa.
- Eliminate harmonic dissonances of the keyboard (if any).
- Obtain a fuller and more complex sound of the instrument.
It is surprising how the sound of an instrument of middle or low range can improve with just a correct retuning.
At the same time, we offer a resonators tuning service if they need to be adjusted.
And all this with very competitive prices.
If you do not know if your instrument needs a tuning, you can send us a recording by email and we will analyse it for free.
If you are interested in our service but you have doubts, send us an email or call to the contact telephone.
For instance, B-Sharp Percussion has tuned instruments for the following entities:
- KA Percussion
- Musikene.
- Conservatori professional de Cervera.
- Conservatori professional de Sabadell.
- Conservatori professional de Terrassa.
- EMM de Bell-Puig.
- EMM de Agramunt.
- IEA Oriol Martorell (Barcelona).
- Conservatori professional de Vilanova i la Geltrú.
The tuning service is carried out within controlled temperature and humidity conditions.
We work in each instrument between 3 and 5 days (depending on the degree of detuning) to let the material rest long enough to not distort the process.
Finally, a special oil or lacker is applied to the wood keyboards to seal the wood pores and to prevent future fluctuations resulting from moisture.
The service is guaranteed for two years as far as the place where the instrument is placed responds to a certain minimum of stability. We retune the instrument again for free if necessary.
We work for hours. Therefore, if it takes less hours to tune your instrument you would not pay more.
In the list below you can choose the type of instrument you want to tune for you to know the maximum you could pay.
410,00 €
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