Wien Style - Several materials

Here you will find Viennese models that mix materials in the contact core.


Do not forget to visit our webpage regularly; more models are appearing as we test them.

The numeration corresponds to these criteria:



AA and BB refer to:


Fl = Flannel

J  = Jeans (Cotton)

Fe = Felt

= Thin leather

LH = Thick leather


And XXYY refers to quantity (XX) and diameter (YY)


Finally, each of these materials has different diameters to choose between 20 and 36 mm in degrees of 1 mm).


We will be glad to hear and discuss your suggestions.

Timpani - TF FlL 2928


Sound with defined attack and much body. Heavy.


- Thin leather + Flannel discs of 28 mm diameter.

- Bamboo shaft balanced by weight. Maximum error of 0.25 gr. in each set.

- Silicone counterweight in order to have better grip and balance.

Timbales - TF FlL 2928

65,00 €

  • 0,1 kg
  • disponible
  • Tiempo de envío 1 - 3 días1

Timpani - TF FlL 934


Sound with defined attack and much body.


- Thin leather + flannel  discs of 34 mm diameter.

- Bamboo shaft balanced by weight. Maximum error of 0.25 gr. in each set.

- Silicone counterweight in order to have better grip and balance.

Timbales - TF FlL 934

65,00 €

  • 0,1 kg
  • disponible
  • Tiempo de envío 1 - 3 días1

Timpani - TF FeLH 1128


Sound with defined attack and much body in high dynamics and dark and full in medium/low dynamics.


- Thick leather of 24 mm + thin felt discs of 28 mm diameter.

- Bamboo shaft balanced by weight. Maximum error of 0.25 gr. in each set.

- Silicone counterweight in order to have better grip and balance.

Timbales - TF FeLH 1128

65,00 €

  • 0,1 kg
  • disponible
  • Tiempo de envío 1 - 3 días1